Here are some of the main questions that we get asked that may save you some time.
What does “donation based” mean?
Schoolhouse Movement supports relational economy and the investment we make toward each other. That may mean an educational exchange or contribution is based on time and ability, other times it may mean an ask of a monetary donation toward the lead or team for their time, effort and supplies. Each project, event, or collaboration will be different and our goal is to connect the homeschool community so we all may benefit from diverse enrichment.
Can I use charter funds to pay donations?
At this time none of our projects are approved non-profit vendors of any school charters.
Where is your schedule of class offerings, events, etc.?
The website will be updated as we add or change what our community is doing and as events are planned. Because Schoolhouse Movement and the projects featured are not businesses but educational collaboration, classes and events may not be planned out as far in advance. If you have questions about a particular project, please contact us through the website.
Why can’t I sign up for classes and events online?
We are in the beginning phases of growing our vision and want to build with mindfulness. It is important to have balance in numbers of people, kids in each age group, etc. to foster sustainable connection. The projects, classes and events listed on the website are catalysts for building relationships and community so we like to connect beforehand.